Welcome to the SHIELD Online Community

An online community designed to connect youth and families for motivation and inspiration.

About The SHIELD Online Community

You belong here! This network is for mentors, mentees, and parents to connect to the SHIELD Mentor Program, a 501(C)3 non-profit organization that provides a full range of mentoring programs and services, providing the skills for success in leadership development.  


The structure of the mentoring programs creates an atmosphere that is designed to decrease the limitations in the lives of youth to help them become more likely to fulfill their highest potential.

We believe that youth live in a world full of wonderful opportunities; the goal is to give them proper guidance to obtain them. SHIELD aims to: 1) Help young people achieve their personal, social, and academic goals; 2) Ensure all young people have a caring, successful role model in their life; and 3) Teach leadership skills to young people.

Together, youth and adult volunteers participate in interactive workshops, team-building exercises, leadership development, and focus on a specific theme, such as goal setting, decision making, conflict resolution, effective communication, and teamwork. The youth mentoring program allows youth to develop a personal plan for success through fun, interactive learning sessions with peers.

Join us today!